Friday, June 15, 2007

Day Watch (Dnevnoy dozor)

--R--Much like the first film (Night Watch) Day Watch (the second film in a trilogy) has style with the camera placement as well as the camera angles, and mood with the excellent dark and light contrast utilizing shadows, in addition the fast paced melancholic demeanor of the supernaturally inclined guardspeople of mankind is done superbly.

Now I admit when watching a well done foreign film I am always eagor to say that it is one of the better films of the year. The reason for this is mainly because the "Hollywood Machine" does whatever they can to make money and most foreign films won't even make it to our shores if it isn't at the very least a commercial success in its native land. I do however feel that most foreign films are also far superior to our local fair visually, as well as with direction and depth.

Day Watch is no exception to my general rule about foreign films. It was very well done and I enjoyed it immensely. The only thing that I can say negatively about Day Watch is that it doesn't stand on its own. If you haven't seen the first one, you will most likely leave the theater a bit confused. On the bright side Night Watch was everybit as good as Day Watch so make it a double feature and enjoy.


1 comment:

Katie Hupp said...

I'm here...yet I haven't seen either of these movies. I'd love to discuss...oh what was that movie we saw on saturday?