Monday, April 21, 2008

Forgetting Sarah Marshal

*I can't give it 4 due to crudity*

--R-- First thing, funniest movie ever. I have never been to a crowded theater that has laughed from beginning to end before. That was an experience all itself.

Now the bad news...rather crude. What should I have expected from Judd Apatow, the brain behind Knocked up, and Superbad? Granted since this was directed by someone different and written by someone different, there were far fewer site gags, and more situational comedy. Ultimately, I think that is why I found this movie so hilarious. I admit, I have seen Superbad and Knocked up (not two of my proudest moments of movie going) and found them humorous. Forgetting Sarah Marshal is comedic genius.

If you don't know what the movie is centers on a musician that gets dumped by a super hot actress. To escape and forget about her, he goes to her favorite location (Hawaii) and more importantly her favorite hotel (Turtle Bay Resort). Like that was smart! Predictably, as he is checking into the hotel, being helped by uber gorgeous Mila Kunis (That 70's Show) in walks Sarah and her new flame.

The movie follows him around as he runs into her, makes friends with characters that can't even be explained, only watched and finally attempts a relationship with hot hotel girl.

The knitty gritty of the crudity of the movie can be summed up as thus: 5 - 7 totally hilarious and unfcomfortable penis shots. You can predict when they are going to happen, so if don't want to see it (I don't blame you) you can avert your eyes. Other than that there was swearing, but the swearing wasn't over the top (like anything from Scorsese or Tarantino). If you can manage the things I have mentioned, you won't regret seeing this movie.

Funniest movie EVER!


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