Monday, March 16, 2009

The Last House on the Left

--R-- In a day and age when horror movies are a dime a dozen, filled with Saw XV's and Hostel V's it is rare to find a true horror film. To be clear I think a true horror film is one that terrifies you for its real life possibilities. Most horror movies made today are either supernatural and ridiculous or movies like Saw that celebrate depravity regardless of what could or would really happen.

The Last House on the Left is a truly terrifying film. The movie consists of a prisoner transport escape (plausible), teenagers making stupid decisions (plausible), rape of one of the teenagers by an escaped convict (plausible), surviving a gun shot wound to the back (plausible), power outage in a rural setting during a storm (plausible). All the key points to this film were plausible. Nothing was supernatural, the bad guys weren't heartless...just criminals trying to survive in a situation that calls for extreme measures.

Now all that being said, The Last House on the Left isn't the best horror movie ever made, but it is one that is based in reality and is entertaining enough to overlook its negatives. I will say that the rape scene is probably the most terrifying part of the movie, one in which averting your eyes would be beneficial. There is no need to watch a 17 year old girl get brutalized by a sociopath, however the scene was pivotal to the movie and a catalyst which allowed for survivors of this horrifying experience.

If you are a bit timid and tend to shy away from horror movies, don't go see this one. If you like movies like Saw you will probably not be disappointed however don't expect there to be complete depravity celebrating violence for violence sake. If you want to be scared and maybe teach your teenage daughter a lesson or two you will most likely enjoy this movie in all its horrifying splendor.


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