Friday, May 18, 2007

28 Weeks Later

--R-- Recapturing the tense and creepy mood of 28 Days Later would have made this movie good, however the director failed and instead managed to create a second rate zombie film. The first 20 minutes of 28 Weeks was exactly like 28 Days and that was very well done and excellent film making. Following that preface to 28 Weeks the movie quickly descends to a mediocre formulaic film that failed to impress.

I don't like giving away too much in these reviews so please forgive this bit of information. The way the virus was brought back was a major reach in plot and how the virus seemed to affect one individual differently than the rest of the infected was laughable. The sole individual infected "differently" had focus and a calmness that when watched cheapened the movie and the "rage" virus. Making the individual appear more like an intelligent hunter doped up on amphetamines rather than the crazed out rage infected zombies that the rest were.

This kind of "mutation" in the virus would have been understandable if all were affected this way, but as I previously said it only affected one person this way and therefore while the reaches in plot points may be forgiven the mutated virus infection was not. Making this a poor follow up to the phenomenal 28 Days Later.


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