Tuesday, April 17, 2007


--R-- I went to see this movie to find out what Grindhouse theaters really were. My conclusion...just what I thought they were: B movies! I can appreciate the homage in which both Tarantino and Rodriguez were attempting, especially since I am sure there is a mass audience that has never before seen a B movie, gone to a "grindhouse" theater or to the drive-in to experience this kind of movie making. I just don't think they succeeded. To have succeeded in bringing back what the Grindhouse is suppose to be they shouldn't have taken the movie so seriously. In fact if you want to see a B movie with A-list actors watch Rodriguez's From Dusk 'Till Dawn. Save for the grainy film and missing reels that movie nailed what B movies are; far better than either of these films did.

Planet Terror

With Planet Terror what Rodriguez accomplished (save for the gratuitous blood splatter) was just a overpriced and over-hyped film. If we were suppose to be taken back to this cultish era of film we weren't. I mean the acting wasn't awful and cheesy, the cinematography was quite good, and the zombie story was actually fun and interesting. I was entertained without being annoyed. Simply put...I enjoyed it, but not enough to even consider seeing it again.

Death Proof

Death Proof, the second half of the "double-feature" directed by Tarantino didn't even have the typical cheesy feel of a B film at all. The main problem with it was the first 15 minutes. Those 15 minutes were torture and I was seriously contemplating getting up and walking out of a film for only the second time in my life. Thankfully I didn't. Once they introduced Kurt Russell's character the movie took on new life. In fact during the second portion of Death Proof it was quite good. I enjoyed the car chases, the dialogue was witty and the switch from hunter to hunted was worth the price of admission alone.

I can't recommend this movie to anyone, mainly because I don't think anyone I know would enjoy this unique twin bill, however if you would like to pay full price to see the last 45 minutes of the three hour film; feel free. In fact those 45 minutes was for me worth the torture of the first two and a quarter hours, but I only payed a few bucks at the early bird special to see it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you nailed it with your review, for the most part—save the last 15 minutes it was a waste abysmal. I didn't like Tarantino's dialogue, especially the establishing scenes of the two groups of girls, ugh they just kept talking!! The festered squirting tongue was pretty great though, and there were a number of scenes where I cringed and laughed, but I certainly don't plan on seeing it again. The trailer for Don't I thought was a highlight. Keep the reviews coming!!