Saturday, April 7, 2007

the one that explains it all

For a brief time in my scholastic endeavors I entertained the idea of becoming a film critic. After a semester or two I altered my major to behavioral science. Anyway...after I changed my mind about pursuing a career as a film critic I was talking to a friend that recommended I continue with my passion and publish my reviews on a blog. I have however decided to forgo publishing a full review and decided to focus more on a simple straight forward opinion about each film that I have seen. To make this easy for me and everyone else that might find their way to this page I will start from scratch and only comment about movies that I see in the future. If there is a film that anyone would like me to express my opinion on feel free to email me and tell me the movie. My goal is to have a written opinion about every movie I have ever seen. Since I have seen thousands of movies in my life this will be a momentous undertaking since I am starting from scratch. Happy reading and I hope my opinions fall on open minds.

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